Heraldry in the SCA
The SCA term Heraldry can mean one of three things...
Personal, territorial and group 'logo' heraldry deals with artwork
called 'blazonry', which you might know as "coats of arms",
or the decoration on a shield. SCA Heralds help members devise their
very own distinct personal armory, which the member can then register with
the Society. That way the armory belongs to the member alone.
Heralds who study names will help members choose an SCA name that is appropriate for their SCA persona. For example, if you want
to portray a 16th-century Englishman, a Herald can help you find
a first and last name that would be appropriate for that place and
Protocol heralds are "Masters of Ceremony" and "Criers", the people
you hear crying "Oyez!" (pronounced "o-yay"). They inform us of
what's going on during an event (crying the camp), who's fighting
in the Lists (tournament Heralds), and who's being given what award
in Court (court heralds). Protocol heralds also enjoy keeping track
of ceremonies and the Order of Precedence, which can be a quite
complicated and daunting task.
